Event Cancellation & Non-Appearance Insurance

Our Event Cancellation application provides coverage for our insureds who would like to make sure their financial obligations putting on an event are protected. This type of coverage can safeguard the cost of setting up and advertising the event or the projected profits/earnings.


  • Non-Appearance of a featured singer, celebrity or speaker

  • Event being shut down by an authority or government agency for terrorism or adverse weather

  • Venue becomes unavailable for mechanical/electrical breakdown, flooding or health department

Event Cancellation binding is very time sensitive: money must be received in our office no fewer than TWELVE DAYS prior to the start of the event. If you require a rush quotation, please contact our office directly.

Please note that we will need a detailed budget to justify the amount to be insured in order to process your quotation request. This information is mandatory in order to underwrite your account.

Click HERE to download our application to complete and email back to us at ifrazier@frazierinsurance.com.